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  • 發(fā)布日期:2017-12-29      瀏覽次數(shù):2182
    • ThermoFisherA11055Donkey anti-Goat IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate
      ThermoFisherA11058Donkey anti-Goat IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor® 594 conjugate



      Product Specific Information

      To minimize cross-reactivity, these donkey anti-goat IgG whole antibodies have been cross-adsorbed against rabbit, rat, mouse, and human IgG. Cross-adsorption or pre-adsorption is a purification step to increase specificity of the antibody resulting in higher sensitivity and less background staining. The secondary antibody solution is passed through a column matrix containing immobilized serum proteins from potentially cross-reactive species. Only the nonspecific-binding secondary antibodies are captured in the column, and the highly specific secondaries flow through. The benefits of this extra step are apparent in multiplexing/multicolor-staining experiments (e.g., flow cytometry) where there is potential cross-reactivity with other primary antibodies or in tissue/cell fluorescent staining experiments where there are may be the presence of endogenous immunoglobulins.

      Alexa Fluor dyes are among the most trusted fluorescent dyes available today. Invitrogen™ Alexa Fluor 488 dye is a bright, green-fluorescent dye with excitation ideally suited to the 488 nm laser line. For stable signal generation in imaging and flow cytometry, Alexa Fluor 488 dye is pH-insensitive over a wide molar range. Probes with high fluorescence quantum yield and high photostability allow detection of low-abundance biological structures with great sensitivity. Alexa Fluor 488 dye molecules can be attached to proteins at high molar ratios without significant self-quenching, enabling brighter conjugates and more sensitive detection. The degree of labeling for each conjugate is typically 2-8 fluorophore molecules per IgG molecule; the exact degree of labeling is indicated on the certificate of analysis for each product lot.

      Using conjugate solutions: Centrifuge the protein conjugate solution briefly in a microcentrifuge before use; add only the supernatant to the experiment. This step will help eliminate any protein aggregates that may have formed during storage, thereby reducing nonspecific background staining. Because staining protocols vary with application, the appropriate dilution of antibody should be determined empirically. For the fluorophore-labeled antibodies a final concentration of 1-10 µg/mL should be satisfactory for most immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry applications.


      螞蟻淘(ebiomall)是一家生命科學領域的垂直電商平臺,公司專注生物醫(yī)學科研用品的  導購和品牌推廣,為海外廠方與國內(nèi)代理經(jīng)銷商搭建跨境貿(mào)易系統(tǒng)和交流平臺。
          產(chǎn)品齊全,200+分類,1000+品牌,500萬+產(chǎn)品信息。100%,專業(yè)售后,到貨快,在線下單, 簡單輕松,節(jié)省科學家寶貴的科研時間。
      Thermofisher旗下Gibco培養(yǎng)系列、ABI細胞計數(shù)儀及PCR儀、Invitrogen分子生物學試劑及Qubit3.0、Ambion的RNA相關(guān)試劑、Molecular probes試劑、Pierce蛋白相關(guān)試劑盒、Nanodrop One/OneC;Parafilm封口膜;Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich試劑;AccuStandard 標準品;Millipore抗體;Glen Research 核酸合成試劑;Bio-Rad電泳儀及PCR儀;Nanocs的PEG聚合物;  Chromotek羊駝抗體;   Polysciences轉(zhuǎn)染試劑;  Echelon-inc 脂類研究試劑盒;   R&D Systems抗體及Elisa試劑盒; Jackson二抗及封閉血清; Biotium 熒光染料;NEB內(nèi)切酶及NGS相關(guān)產(chǎn)品;  Athens Research & Technology人類蛋白及抗血清;  Illumina二代測試試劑盒; Tocris 小分子試劑; TwistDx恒溫擴增試劑盒(RPA); Enzymatics二代測序酶;Novus抗體及Elisa試劑盒;AG scientific潮霉素B、G-418;Plantmedia植物培養(yǎng)系列及抗體;Agilent 2100生物分析儀;Biolog耗材;Biomatik的Elisa試劑盒;Covaris基因打斷儀;CST抗體;Dharmacon的siRNA產(chǎn)品。



    總訪問量:240914  管理登陸  技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)  sitemap.xml

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