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伯樂(lè)/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052

簡(jiǎn)要描述:伯樂(lè)/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052100–120/220–240 V, power supply for high-current applications such as western blotting, includes power cord

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2018-01-09
  • 訪  問(wèn)  量:2194

伯樂(lè)/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052


Output specifications250 V, 3.0 A, 300 W
Output range (programmable)5–250 V, fully adjustable in 1 V increments
0.01–3.0 A, fully adjustable in 0.01 A increments
1–300 W, fully adjustable in 1 W increments
Type of outputConstant voltage, current, or power with automatic crossover
Output terminals4 pair recessed banana jacks in parallel
Timer control1 min–99 hr 59 min, fully adjustable
Pause/resume functionYes
Display2-line, 16-character backlit LCD
Operating conditions0–40°C; 0–95% humidity in absence of condensation
Safety complianceEN61010
EMIConforms to CE standards for emissions and immunity class A, tested only at 230 V. TÜV EMC certification
Safety featuresNo-load detection; rapid resistance change detection, ground leak detection, overload/short circuit detection, overvoltage protection, over-temperature protection
Input protectionFuse on hot and neutral
Input power (nominal)100–120/220–240 VAC, autoswitching
Dimensions (W x D x H), cm/in25 x 28.5 x 8/9.8 x 11.2 x 3.1
Weight, kg/lb2.0/4.4

 伯樂(lè)/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052

The PowerPac™ HC power supply, with its higher current output capacity, is recommended for high-current applications such as high-throughput electrophoresis; it is also a perfect choice for western blotting. The two-line, 16-character LCD allows programming from a single screen and easy monitoring of run progress. Intuitive programming permits multistep methods and timed runs with the choice of constant voltage, current, or power output.

伯樂(lè)/PowerPac™ HC Power Supply/1645052



螞蟻淘(ebiomall)是一家生命科學(xué)領(lǐng)域的垂直電商平臺(tái),公司專注生物醫(yī)學(xué)科研用品的  導(dǎo)購(gòu)和品牌推廣,為海外廠方與國(guó)內(nèi)代理經(jīng)銷商搭建跨境貿(mào)易系統(tǒng)和交流平臺(tái)。

    產(chǎn)品齊全,200+分類,1000+品牌,500萬(wàn)+產(chǎn)品信息。100%正品,專業(yè)售后,到貨快,在線下單, 簡(jiǎn)單輕松,節(jié)省科學(xué)家寶貴的科研時(shí)間。




Thermofisher旗下Gibco培養(yǎng)系列、ABI細(xì)胞計(jì)數(shù)儀及PCR儀、Invitrogen分子生物學(xué)試劑及Qubit3.0、AmbionRNA相關(guān)試劑、Molecular probes試劑、Pierce蛋白相關(guān)試劑盒、Nanodrop One/OneC;Parafilm封口膜;Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich試劑;AccuStandard 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)品;Millipore抗體;Glen Research 核酸合成試劑;Bio-Rad電泳儀及PCR儀;NanocsPEG聚合物;  Chromotek羊駝抗體;   Polysciences轉(zhuǎn)染試劑;  Echelon-inc 脂類研究試劑盒;   R&D Systems抗體及Elisa試劑盒; Jackson二抗及封閉血清; Biotium 熒光染料;NEB內(nèi)切酶及NGS相關(guān)產(chǎn)品;  Athens Research & Technology人類蛋白及抗血清;  Illumina二代測(cè)試試劑盒; Tocris 小分子試劑; TwistDx恒溫?cái)U(kuò)增試劑盒(RPA); Enzymatics二代測(cè)序酶;Novus抗體及Elisa試劑盒;AG scientific潮霉素BG-418;Plantmedia植物培養(yǎng)系列及抗體;Agilent 2100生物分析儀;Biolog耗材;BiomatikElisa試劑盒;Covaris基因打斷儀;CST抗體;DharmaconsiRNA產(chǎn)品。

The PowerPac™ HC power supply, with its higher current output capacity, is recommended for high-current applications such as high-throughput electrophoresis; it is also a perfect choice for western blotting. The two-line, 16-character LCD allows programming from a single screen and easy monitoring of run progress. Intuitive programming permits multistep methods and timed runs with the choice of constant voltage, current, or power output.


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