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thermofisher P36981|Invitrogen*

簡(jiǎn)要描述:thermofisher P36981|Invitrogen*
ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant是一種基于甘油的硬固化即用型封固劑,可直接應(yīng)用于顯微鏡載玻片或蓋玻片上的熒光標(biāo)記細(xì)胞或組織樣本。

  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2019-04-22
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:872

thermofisher P36981|Invitrogen*

ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant是一種基于甘油的硬固化即用型封固劑,可直接應(yīng)用于顯微鏡載玻片或蓋玻片上的熒光標(biāo)記細(xì)胞或組織樣本。延長(zhǎng)玻璃封固劑在固化后具有1.52的折射率,類(lèi)似于玻璃蓋玻片,兼容的浸油和油浸式顯微鏡光學(xué)元件,可實(shí)現(xiàn)的分辨率和靈敏度。 ProLong玻璃封固劑還可以在可見(jiàn)光和近紅外光譜上提供的光漂白保護(hù)。您可以使用ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant幾乎任何熒光染料或熒光蛋白(例如,GFP,RFP,mCherry)和任何細(xì)胞/組織類(lèi)型的圖像深度范圍從0到100μm,用于明亮,高分辨率的Z-Stack, 3D和2D圖像。

• 便于使用


thermofisher P36981|Invitrogen*


 ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant is a glycerol-based, hard-setting, ready-to-use mountant that can be applied directly to fluorescently labeled cells or tissue samples on microscope slides or coverslips. Prolong Glass mountant has a refractive index of 1.52 after curing, similar to that of glass coverslips, compatible immersion oil, and oil-immersion microscope optics, enabling superior resolution and sensitivity. ProLong Glass mountant is also designed to provide unparalleled photobleach protection across the visible and near infra-red spectra. You can use ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant with almost any fluorescent dye or fluorescent protein (e.g., GFP, RFP, mCherry) and with any cell/tissue type for image depths ranging from 0 to 100 µm for bright, high-resolution Z-Stack, 3D, and 2D image


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